Sarah and Gav's first biking adventure!
So most of you know that a few months ago I got a bike. I loved cycling as a kid, but that's sort of where it ended. I had a bike between the ages of I'm guessing 3 and 7. I never had one since. Throughout most of my teenage years I went through notions of getting one but never did. A month of so before Christmas last year I finally got one. And I know a lot of people say that you never forget how to ride a bike, but I'm going to say that's bull. Because I did. It took me quite a few short rides around my local park to finally get comfortable enough and gain enough control to be able to use it on my commute to work one day, and then obviously back. Then our winter here in Northern Ireland got a lot worse, and we had snow for what felt at the time like an eternity. So the bike got packed away and not used again for a few months.
Until last Sunday. This was one of the few Sundays where Gavin does not have football, and I hate spending my days off work doing nothing, so we generally try do something on those days. This day was absolutely beautiful, it could quite possibly be the nicest day that we are going to get this year, and Gavin suggested that we go for a bike ride up the lagan tow path.
So the bikes were pulled out of storage, tires were pumped. Backpack organised and we cycled the few miles into town and stopped at city hall. This allowed me to take some pictures of the titanic feature happening in the grounds.
And also to nip into the tourist center to see if they had any maps / pamphlets of the route (they did, it was shite though)
Here's Gav having a read of one.
And the bikes having a wee rest in the grass.
Back onto the bikes and we cycled up to the towpath and got onto the route. I had not been here since I was a kid and it was a lot prettier than I remembered.
This is my basket. I do not have the balance to take photos when riding. I nearly died a few times.
This was one of our little stops to enjoy the view. We've called it apple corner. It was very pretty and nice and secluded. Strange to think how close you are to the city, it's so easy to forget when you are here.
So we managed to get out to the 'city of lisburn' and a place called Drumbeg. There was nothing there. We were after just some sort of shop to buy juice, crisps, sandwiches for a picnic like thing, but there was nothing, we were told if we located Lady Dixon Park there would be a cafe there, so then that mission began.
I liked the view from this bridge,
so I parked up my bike as Gavin continued to look. At this point we were ready to give up and just turn around for home.
But Gav found it. And we had some mediocre and overpriced chips and coke. It was all they had that looked palatable, and to be fair I think because we were so tired and hungry, that's the only reason they were eaten.
Then was resting in the grass.
And me torturing Gavin with photos.
This was the first time my bike has ever been tied up.
More dicking about taking photos
Then it was back on the bikes to try get home. At this point I realised I was really sore, I was sore when we stopped for the food, but figured I'd be grand after the 30 minute rest. But I wasn't. At all. My legs weren't sore from the cycling. It was sore from the seat of the bike. That kind of almost bruised like feeling that you get once you finish a spinning class. And my body was not at all happy about being put back onto the bike.
We stopped again for icecream
And it was this point I realised there was no way I can go home. And I've learnt from my mistakes. I do not continue through pain.
But of course we still had the bikes. So I rang my mammy to come and rescue us.
And she did. It wasn't until I get home I totted up the distance cycled.11.86miles with one route tracker, and 12.42 miles with another. So I'm going to say 12 miles? Quite pleased with the distance, it being our first, of hopefully many more adventures to come this summer. Next time will be better - and further, without being rescued.
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